This Thursday ONLY

Marketing Vs Branding


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Marketing VS Branding


Listen up. I get it. You're a visionary, a go-getter, but here's the reality check – your business won't soar unless you grasp the difference between marketing and branding and harness the power of branding to make it recession-proof.

🎯 Who Needs This?

Lost in the Noise? You're hustling hard, no doubt. But if you can't distinguish between marketing and branding, you're spinning your wheels. Potential, No Strategy? You've got something people crave, but you're not ensuring it's recession-resistant. Crave Multiplication, Not Just Addition? You want a business that thrives, not just survives when the going gets tough.

🔥 Here's What We're Gonna Explore:

Marketing vs. Branding: Understand the crucial distinction between these two powerhouses. Recession-Proof Branding: Discover how branding can shield your business from the turbulence of rapidly declining consumer demand.

🚀 Why You Should Be Here?

Real Strategies, No Fluff: You'll walk away with actionable insights and strategies. Implement them TODAY. Network Expansion: Connect with brilliant minds in the entrepreneurial realm.🔥 Don't Get Lost in the Shuffle; MASTER the Game. Let's channel your entrepreneurial spirit and transform it into lasting riches. 🔥


Michael Mcgovern

From humble beginnings and the coal mines of West Virginia, Michael McGovern—better known as The Reckless CEO—has proven that your starting point doesn't define your finish line. Born into a blue-collar community, hard work was the name of the game. Post-high school, hockey was the plan, until an injury cut that chapter short and sent me back to square one. I landed jobs in coal mines and gas plants, tough lessons that would later become the foundation for my success.

Fed up with the status quo, I moved to Columbus, Ohio, leaving everything behind. I knew sales was my ticket, so I started with door-to-door gigs, pocketing a mere $25 per sale. Fast forward through a stint in real estate investing, and I still felt an itch for more—I wanted to build a team, a culture, a legacy. That's when Columbus Roofing Company was born. Within a year, we launched two additional locations and acquired a local window company. We're now on track for one of the largest exits for a service-based business of our age.

"Business is simple, People are Complicated." -Michael Mcgovern

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Nov 2nd, 2023 I 5:OO PM

Marketing VS Branding